Fasting Support Group…

I'm not a doctor or a physician + this is not a medical program. This is a support group. I've just completed a four-day fast + will start another one on June 12th. This next fast will be a short two-day fast, but you can extend it if you prefer.

As a group, we'll begin a raw fruit + vegetable fast on June 12th. We're here to support each other + will hold Zoom meetings to discuss our challenges + victories. Here’s the full schedule:


  • June 12-14: Raw fruits + vegetables only, with water

  • June 15-16 (the weekend): Water only

  • June 17: Break the fast

Quick Chats (via zoom)

These meetings are 5-10 minutes to check-in.

  • June 12-16th: Meet at 8:00am, 12:00pm + 5:30pm

  • June 17th: Meet at 8:00am, 12:00pm

All meetings are included along with information to get started.

I’m looking forward to supporting you through this journey!